The World’s Wettest Party is coming to Hong Kong on 8-9 Jun, 2024

Songkran is Thailand’s annual New Year celebration and is known as the biggest water fight in the world – with water splashing to symbolize washing away bad luck and welcoming a new start. Taking place each year in April, the world’s biggest Songkran celebration, S2O Songkran Music Festival debuted in 2015 in Bangkok, since then the festival exploded from Bangkok to become a one-of-a-kind annual experience attracting thousands of fans from all over the world, and has already spread across Asia to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and this year, to Hong Kong!

Partygoers can expect to be immersed in a world of music, water and lights, enjoy high-energy performances by world-renowned DJs and artists with stunning visual effects and 360 degrees of water splashing experience.

This summer, S2O Hong Kong Songkran Music Festival will take place at Central Harbourfront Event Space on 8–9 June. Set against the backdrop of Central’s spectacular skyscrapers and Victoria Harbour, S2O will bring a unique and unforgettable experience to partygoers in Hong Kong.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

Let’s Get Wet & Splash it Loud!

潑水節是泰國一年一度的新年慶典,亦被譽為世界上最大型的水戰活動,以潑水象徵洗去厄運並迎接新的開始。S2O亞洲潑水音樂節自2015年首次舉辦,每年4 月於泰國舉行,現已成為世界上最大型的潑水節慶祝活動,為參加者帶來非一般的派對體驗,吸引成千上萬來自世界各地的粉絲,並已擴展到亞洲多個地方包括日本、韓國、台灣,今年更首次來到香港!


今個夏天,S2O亞洲潑水音樂節 – 香港站,將於6月8日及9日在中環海濱活動空間舉行。在中環壯麗的摩天大廈和標誌性的維多利亞港景色下,S2O將為香港的派對狂熱份子帶來獨特而難忘的體驗。


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WATERS provides geospatial data and built-in analysis tools. Please read the following disclaimer regarding data limitations and user responsibility.It is the responsibility of the user to read and evaluate data limitations and restrictions especially with regard to intended use. To the best of our knowledge, the data and information on this website are as accurate as possible, but no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. All modeled geographic data are, by their nature, imperfect; the data provided in WATERS should not be taken as absolute truth but as the best approximation of the truth based on best available data.Neither EPA, EPA contractors, nor any other organizations cooperating with EPA assume any responsibility for damages or other liabilities related to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information provided on this website. EPA reserves the right to change information at any time without public notice. Any errors or omissions should be reported to the WATERS Team. We are always happy to hear your feedback and use that feedback for future enhancements. For site-specific data, WATERS data will not replace “boots-on-the-ground measurements” or local knowledge. Better local data may be available from local sources.

General Admission Terms and Conditions

General Admission Terms and Conditions

  1. Each ticket entitles admission for one person. A valid ticket must be presented for admission.
  2. To enter the event, the ticket must be used to redeem the entry wristband at the entrance of the event venue. Attendees are not allowed to redeem any entry wristband on behalf of others in any case. The entry wristband shall be put on by the staff at the entrance.
  3. The event organiser, 6DX Production Limited (the “Organiser”) will not replace any entry wristbands that are lost, stolen, damaged or used after they have been redeemed.
  4. The entry wristband is only used for the entry on the day of the event, and anyone who purchases a two-day pass must redeem a new wristband at the venue entrance every day for admission.
  5. Each ticket can only be used once to redeem an entry wristband and the QR code will expire and cannot be reused once used.
  6. Ticket holders must enter the venue through the designated entrances, comply with all relevant security and safety check procedures, and present valid tickets and/or wristbands. This also applies to re-entry of all ticket holders.
  7. Tickets are valid only for the specified dates and timeslots.
  8. Entry may be refused if the ticket or wristband is damaged, defaced or mutilated.
  9. Any ticket holders must enter the venue at or before the latest opening time of the event, i.e. 10:00 p.m. This also applies to re-entry of all ticket holders.
  10. The event is only suitable for persons aged 18 or above, and the Organiser and/or Venue Manager reserves the right to require ticket holders to present proof of age such as identity card or other identification documents.
  11. Wristbands of different colours are for entry to designated areas of the event. No person is allowed to trespass into other areas not designated for their wristbands unless permitted by the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to expel anyone from the event who violates these rules without any refund.
  12. Drinking water is provided at the venue. Attendees are allowed to bring empty water bottles (except any made of glass) into the venue. Any outside food and drinks are is strictly forbidden.
  13. Attendees may use the storage service provided by the Organiser. However, the Organiser shall not be responsible, financially or otherwise, for any personal property that is left, lost, stolen, destroyed, confiscated, damaged or misplaced anywhere on site or during the event, regardless of fault or reason. Attendees should always keep your valuable belongings with you .
  14. It is strictly forbidden to bring any large objects into the wet area of the main stage.
  15. Parking areas are not available at the venue.
  16. Strictly forbidden: Anyone who is found to be in possession of any prohibited items or carrying out prohibited activities or who does not follow the house rules of the venue will be expelled from and/or refused entry to the event.
  1. Items prohibited in the venue include (but are not limited to):
    1. Dangerous or hazardous materials (e.g. fireworks, smoke or gas canisters, explosives)
    2. Weapons of any kind
    3. Any illegal drugs or substances
    4. Any glassware
    5. Any cleaning products that can produce foam
    6. Any unauthorized water gun or any other liquid jet spraying apparatus
    7. Any pets or animals, except approved service animals (e.g. guide dogs)
    8. Amplifiers
    9. Umbrellas
    10. Items that are harmful, confusing, objectionable or obstructive to the activity (e.g. selfie sticks, stools, foldable seats etc.)
    11. Any unlicensed flag, banner, emblem or wording
  1. Prohibited activities include (but are not limited to):
    1. Using remote-controlled flying apparatus
    2. Photography, videotaping or recording with large size apparatus or equipment, regardless of the usage or purpose
    3. Unauthorised photography, videotaping or recording of any kind except for personal use
    4. Selling goods or services, or the display of goods or services for sale at the entrance or in the venue
    5. Distribution of unauthorised printed or recorded materials
    6. Unauthorised events or display of any flag, banner, sign or wordings, or incitement of the crowd, and other unauthorised public gatherings
    7. Throwing or using any objects in the venue to cause danger, unnecessary obstruction or interference with the program, foul language or disorderly conduct
    8. Engaging in any unsafe act or other act that may impede the operation of the venue or any associated facility
    9. Activities which cause obstruction or disturbance to other audience members
  1. Note: The Organiser has the discretion and final determination on what constitutes a prohibited item or activity.
  1. It is illegal to carry or consume drugs both inside and outside the venue, and the Organiser will not tolerate any illegal drug use, possession or trading. If a suspected case is found, the suspect will be banned from entering or directly expelled from the venue, and the Organiser will immediately report the suspect to the police.
  2. Please consume alcohol responsibly.
  3. Please keep the venue clean. Do not litter or spit.
  4. The Organiser shall bear no responsibility for the messages displayed or communicated by any third party during the Event.
  5. The Organiser reserves the right in its sole discretion to require anyone to leave the venue if he/she do not abide by these Terms and Conditions.
  6. All participants must follow the government’s latest anti-epidemic measures and the venue’s house rules during admission and the show. Anyone who fails to do so may be barred from entering or expelled, in which case the ticket fee would not be refunded.
  7. The Organiser, its service providers or agents will not be liable for any loss, injury or damage to any person (including yourself) or property however caused (including by the Organiser or its service providers or agents) at the event.
  8. The Organiser shall not have any liability to you whatsoever for any loss incurred in connection with the event or any potential changes or any cancellation of the event, including, without limitation, costs of any personal travel, accommodation or hospitality arrangements as a result.
  9. The Organiser reserves the right to have the final decision in case of any dispute arising from these Terms and Conditions.
  10. These Terms and Conditions are governed by Hong Kong law.
  11. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version of this Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.


  1. 一人一票。入場時必需持有有效門票。
  2. 門票將用於活動場地入口兌換入場手帶,工作人員亦會為入場人士戴上手帶以便進場。 任何情況下,參與者均不得代他人兌換進場手環。
  3. 主辦機構 “6DX Production Limited”(下稱 “主辦機構”)將不會更換任何遺失、被盜、損壞或在兌換後被使用的入場手環。
  4. 入場手帶只用於活動當天進場使用,任何購買兩日門票之人士均須每天在場地入口兌換不同手帶以便入場。
  5. 每張門票只可以使用一次以兌換一條入場手帶,該門票二維碼一經使用後,將失效並不可重複使用。
  6. 入場人士必須經由特定入口進場,並出示有效門票及/或入場手帶及接受保安檢查方可進場。此規定亦適用於持票人士重新進入會場。
  7. 所有門票或入場手帶只適用於指定日期及時間。
  8. 如門票或入場手帶上的資料被刪去或經過塗改,又或遭損毀或變得殘缺不全,則持票人可能不獲准入場。
  9. 任何購票人士須於活動最晚開放之時間即晚上10時或之前進入會場,逾時者不允許進場。此規定亦適用於持票人士重新進入會場。
  10. 活動只適合18歲或以上人士,主辦機構及/或場地管理人有權要求持票人出示年齡證明文件,例如身份證或其他身份證明文件。
  11. 不同顏色之手帶均限制進場人士進入不同指定活動區域;任何人士在未經許可下不得擅自闖入其他區域,主辦機構有權驅趕違反此規則之人士離場,並不作任何退款。
  12. 場地提供飲用水;入場人士可攜帶任何(玻璃除外)可盛載液體之水樽進場;嚴禁攜帶任何外來食物及飲品。
  13. 入場人士可使用主辦機構所提供之物品存放服務以存放物品,貴重物品請隨身攜帶。主辦機構對於在現場或活動期間在任何地方留下、遺失、被盜、毀損、沒收、損壞或放置不當的個人財物,不承擔任何財務或其他責任。
  14. 嚴禁攜帶任何大型物品進入主舞台濕區區域。
  15. 場地不設泊車位。
  16. 違規犯禁:任何人士若帶有違禁物品,或不遵守場地規則,將被拒絕進場。
  1. 嚴禁攜帶以下物品進入場地:
    1. 危險或有害物品(例如煙花、煙霧劑、爆炸品等)
    2. 任何種類的武器
    3. 任何非法藥物或非法物質
    4. 任何玻璃製品及器皿
    5. 任何能產生泡沫之清潔用品(例如番梘,梘液,洗頭水等)
    6. 任何未經許可之水槍或其他任何液體噴射裝
    7. 寵物及其他動物,被認可為服務用途之動物(如導盲犬)除外
    8. 擴音器、喇叭
    9. 雨傘
    10. 有害、引起混亂、令人反感或妨礙活動進行之物品(例如自拍棒、矮凳、可摺式座椅等)
    11. 任何未經許可之旗幟、横額、標誌或字句
  1. 嚴禁進行以下活動:
    1. 使用遙控式飛行裝置
    2. 使用大型攝影及錄影器材進行拍攝(不論任何用途)
    3. 用作非個人用途的攝影、錄影或任何形式之記錄
    4. 於會場入口或場內售賣任何物品或服務,或展示任何作售賣用途之物品或服務
    5. 派發末經授權之印刷品或錄製品
    6. 未經許可之活動、展示任何旗幟、横額、標誌或字句,或煽動人群及其他未經許可之公眾集會
    7. 在場内拋擲或使用任何物件以致構成危險、不必要的阻礙或干擾節目進行、粗言穢語或行為不檢
    8. 進行任何不安全或其他妨礙演唱會進行之行為
    9. 進行任何妨礙其他入場觀眾的活動
  1. 註:主辦機構擁有將物品或活動視為禁止項目的酌情權及最終決定權。
  1. 場內和場外攜帶或吸食毒品均屬違法行為,主辦機構絕不容忍任何非法藥物使用或交易行為,一經發現,相關嫌疑者將被禁止入場或直接驅趕離場,主辦機構並會立即報警處理。
  2. 理性飲酒,切勿酒後駕駛。
  3. 時刻保持地方清潔,切勿亂拋棄垃圾及隨地吐痰。
  4. 主辦機構不會對場內活動期間第三方顯示或發放的訊息或內容負責。
  5. 對於任何不遵守以上規則之人士,主辦機構有權拒絕該等人士進入場地。
  6. 所有入場人士必須遵守政府最新公佈之預防及控制疾病規例,並配合演出及展覽場地的入場安排,否則場地職員有權拒絕其進場,所持門票亦將不獲退款。
  7. 主辦機構、其服務提供商或代理人將不對任何人(包括您自己)或財產(包括由主辦方或其服務提供商或代理人)在活動中造成的任何損失、傷害或損害承擔責任。
  8. 主辦機構對與活動相關的任何損失或活動的任何潛在變更或取消,包括但不限於任何個人旅行、住宿或招待安排的費用,概不承擔任何責任。 .
  9. 如有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權。
  10. 這些條款和條件受香港法律管轄。
  11. 如本條款及細則的中英文版本有任何不一致或歧義,一概以英文版本為準。